Wednesday, June 15, 2016
Monday, June 13, 2016
computer hardware
hardware organizers
online hardware retailing
computer hardware
hardware organizers
online hardware retailing
computer hardware
computer hardware
prone use
prone use
postage stamps
plastic recycling
home services
postage stamps
plastic recycling
home services
kegs of fruit soda
kegs of sparkling wine
kegs of beer
hot water heater
biogas generator
wood fired generator
cellaring technology
cellaring aesthetics
kegs of fruit soda
kegs of sparkling wine
kegs of beer
hot water heater
biogas generator
wood fired generator
cellaring technology
cellaring aesthetics
Tuesday, June 7, 2016
Sunday, June 5, 2016
Saturday, June 4, 2016
reality: stay lucky: why do I watch this shit? because I'm bad
hours of horrible accidents ... i tell you, it's strangely fun / interesting. at least you get some ideas what not to try, too.
don't pull really hard on stuff. don't try to ride down stairs. before you try a trick, slow to a crawl. if you're careful you might be lucky. have you tried as many of these things as I have?
don't smoke out the tires like an idiot.
Friday, June 3, 2016
a revelation
Spiritual power of course may or may not be real.
I happen to like the idea that it may be real and is worth trying.
What does this mean, trying spiritual power? Of course I mean trying it out, but how would one do that?
What is spiritual power for? I have some anxiety about suggesting this definition, but I think it's OK: I'm saying spiritual power is for getting what we want.
So, if it's that, then a test or trial of spiritual power begins with wanting something.
It also seems reasonable to suggest that we are already wanting things, and even that we ... I will go so far as to say ... cannot deliberately want something ... which is a stretch, but may be true. At any rate, I'm suggesting we begin by identifying something we want.
Also, I've been encountering the suggestion that we try using spiritual power for some more pragmatic purposes as a way to build our spiritual muscles.
Basically, I'm practicing the method of spiritual power as I write this. You see, I am having trouble deciding what to try to get, I'll put it that way. I'd like to try to get something using spiritual power right now. I'm taking a break from other things, giving myself a few moments to work on this, so, while I'm doing this, I'd like to try to use spiritual power to get something. But what shall I try to get?
Basically, my mind is giving me suggestions. For instance, it is giving me the suggestion "Bentleys and Mansions." (It got that suggestion from a little talk I was just watching, and it is being a little cynical, because that was presented as an example of the kind of thing not to try to get, not for ethical reasons or anything like that, but, as an example of something not so pragmatic. The suggestion is we can try for something more pragmatic, then look for a result, and when we see that result our ability to get things using spiritual power - to manifest - will increase.)
But, do you know what? There's another rule which is, if your mind gives you something, take it!
And this suggestion to go for Bentleys and Mansions is to my liking. It's cheeky! And I like that because it's naughty. But I like it also because it's playful. So you may say that naughty is bad, but are you saying that playful is bad? Playful sounds powerful to me. Of course some will say power is bad ... but they are, I assure you, talking about power in the hands of someone other than themselves. Naughty naughty! (I have been trying to figure out ethics for a long time. Whenever I read something about it, it sounds just sooooooo silly. I've just figured this out: ethics is a very complicated subject! This is very relevant to what's on my mind right now. Here's another reason I've decided to spend some time with this desire of mine for Bentleys and Mansions: I find myself in combat with a whole array of people who say we should want such things. Sometimes they just say we should want things, period. Well, I'm in combat with them ... by choice ... but also, it's my instinct. Anyway, one thought in my mind today is that the way forward is to just ignore such people. By such people I mean people I feel I ought to be in combat with. And there's definitely something to that, but, at the same time, there's something to combat. I wouldn't say the purpose of combat is to win, exactly. Well, no, I take that back, but I wouldn't say it's to ... I wouldn't say it's to rid the world of my opponents. OK, even that might not be true - thinking more on a case by case basis, just to note that - I mean, there might be times when ridding the world of someone would be a really good idea ... The thing is, it feels like a losing proposition to me, for me to pursue that. Let me go back to the idea of what the purpose of combat is, of whether it is to win, and now I will say it most certainly is, but I'm thinking about it this way: combat makes you strong. It's a teacher.)
So, here I am in combat with people who don't want me to have Bentleys and Mansions ... or really much of anything, actually ... and least of all power, especially spiritual power. Well, the thing to do is to somehow .... the words blast right through them come to mind, and that would be lovely, but, as I already mentioned, could lead to trouble, too. Just to note this, I want to punish them. I really, really want them punished. But ... Universe ... not just this moment. I want to think that over a bit. For the moment, I'll settle for just shedding them like water off a duck's back and going straight to Bentleys and Mansions. Yes! I wholly like that idea!
Wow, see what I just did? I worked my way through a whole bunch of stuff. I mean, even if you are a complete poop head skeptic, you can't deny that was stuff. If you don't understand my terminology, it was like playing a video game, and I'm driving down a road, and the game is throwing all sorts of stuff at me, and to move forward I have to dodge that stuff, one way or another (and, too, figure out where "forward" is) ... and then after I've done that for a while, it's like the game opened up and showed me a wide open vision of my goal, Bentleys and Mansions. That's what I'm calling working one's way through stuff. You can call it imaginary stuff, nonsense stuff, or whatever you like, but it was stuff.
And this is what I'm saying is the way to use spiritual power. I mean, it's my hypothesis. So, also, I'm testing the hypothesis.
Let me go check a couple of things.
No, there were no Bentleys parked in front of my house, just now. There was an actual letter, which is a bit unusual, but I doubt it contains the news that I've become the owner of any new luxury items.
But, this is as I expected. And a true discussion of this next subject is beyond the scope of this post, but I have been trying this kind of exercise - it's an exercise, see - recently, and a few somewhat strange things have happened that seemed to echo the subjects of my meditations. I mean, you could call the effect eerie.
Spiritual teachers sometimes talk about this kind of thing. They call it "signs." But why should we think that a sign is as good as a success. That is, even if it was our our spiritual "work" that produced a sign, so what? It's as if we are reporting not a hit but a miss. I mean, you filthy stinking skeptics, if there actually had been a Bently out front, and a key in the mail box with at not attached saying "look in the glove box, Tom. The deed is made out to you. Enjoy," even you might be impressed. But all I got was, what, some weird premonition that actually did come true in a funny way, why should you be impressed?
Well, I have just come up with a reason. Remember what I was saying about a result? I said that if you do some work and get a result, it increases your spiritual power. I add this to my hypothesis: doing exercises and getting results in the form of signs is a way to build spiritual muscle.
I happen to like the idea that it may be real and is worth trying.
What does this mean, trying spiritual power? Of course I mean trying it out, but how would one do that?
What is spiritual power for? I have some anxiety about suggesting this definition, but I think it's OK: I'm saying spiritual power is for getting what we want.
So, if it's that, then a test or trial of spiritual power begins with wanting something.
It also seems reasonable to suggest that we are already wanting things, and even that we ... I will go so far as to say ... cannot deliberately want something ... which is a stretch, but may be true. At any rate, I'm suggesting we begin by identifying something we want.
Also, I've been encountering the suggestion that we try using spiritual power for some more pragmatic purposes as a way to build our spiritual muscles.
Basically, I'm practicing the method of spiritual power as I write this. You see, I am having trouble deciding what to try to get, I'll put it that way. I'd like to try to get something using spiritual power right now. I'm taking a break from other things, giving myself a few moments to work on this, so, while I'm doing this, I'd like to try to use spiritual power to get something. But what shall I try to get?
Basically, my mind is giving me suggestions. For instance, it is giving me the suggestion "Bentleys and Mansions." (It got that suggestion from a little talk I was just watching, and it is being a little cynical, because that was presented as an example of the kind of thing not to try to get, not for ethical reasons or anything like that, but, as an example of something not so pragmatic. The suggestion is we can try for something more pragmatic, then look for a result, and when we see that result our ability to get things using spiritual power - to manifest - will increase.)
But, do you know what? There's another rule which is, if your mind gives you something, take it!
And this suggestion to go for Bentleys and Mansions is to my liking. It's cheeky! And I like that because it's naughty. But I like it also because it's playful. So you may say that naughty is bad, but are you saying that playful is bad? Playful sounds powerful to me. Of course some will say power is bad ... but they are, I assure you, talking about power in the hands of someone other than themselves. Naughty naughty! (I have been trying to figure out ethics for a long time. Whenever I read something about it, it sounds just sooooooo silly. I've just figured this out: ethics is a very complicated subject! This is very relevant to what's on my mind right now. Here's another reason I've decided to spend some time with this desire of mine for Bentleys and Mansions: I find myself in combat with a whole array of people who say we should want such things. Sometimes they just say we should want things, period. Well, I'm in combat with them ... by choice ... but also, it's my instinct. Anyway, one thought in my mind today is that the way forward is to just ignore such people. By such people I mean people I feel I ought to be in combat with. And there's definitely something to that, but, at the same time, there's something to combat. I wouldn't say the purpose of combat is to win, exactly. Well, no, I take that back, but I wouldn't say it's to ... I wouldn't say it's to rid the world of my opponents. OK, even that might not be true - thinking more on a case by case basis, just to note that - I mean, there might be times when ridding the world of someone would be a really good idea ... The thing is, it feels like a losing proposition to me, for me to pursue that. Let me go back to the idea of what the purpose of combat is, of whether it is to win, and now I will say it most certainly is, but I'm thinking about it this way: combat makes you strong. It's a teacher.)
So, here I am in combat with people who don't want me to have Bentleys and Mansions ... or really much of anything, actually ... and least of all power, especially spiritual power. Well, the thing to do is to somehow .... the words blast right through them come to mind, and that would be lovely, but, as I already mentioned, could lead to trouble, too. Just to note this, I want to punish them. I really, really want them punished. But ... Universe ... not just this moment. I want to think that over a bit. For the moment, I'll settle for just shedding them like water off a duck's back and going straight to Bentleys and Mansions. Yes! I wholly like that idea!
Wow, see what I just did? I worked my way through a whole bunch of stuff. I mean, even if you are a complete poop head skeptic, you can't deny that was stuff. If you don't understand my terminology, it was like playing a video game, and I'm driving down a road, and the game is throwing all sorts of stuff at me, and to move forward I have to dodge that stuff, one way or another (and, too, figure out where "forward" is) ... and then after I've done that for a while, it's like the game opened up and showed me a wide open vision of my goal, Bentleys and Mansions. That's what I'm calling working one's way through stuff. You can call it imaginary stuff, nonsense stuff, or whatever you like, but it was stuff.
And this is what I'm saying is the way to use spiritual power. I mean, it's my hypothesis. So, also, I'm testing the hypothesis.
Let me go check a couple of things.
No, there were no Bentleys parked in front of my house, just now. There was an actual letter, which is a bit unusual, but I doubt it contains the news that I've become the owner of any new luxury items.
But, this is as I expected. And a true discussion of this next subject is beyond the scope of this post, but I have been trying this kind of exercise - it's an exercise, see - recently, and a few somewhat strange things have happened that seemed to echo the subjects of my meditations. I mean, you could call the effect eerie.
Spiritual teachers sometimes talk about this kind of thing. They call it "signs." But why should we think that a sign is as good as a success. That is, even if it was our our spiritual "work" that produced a sign, so what? It's as if we are reporting not a hit but a miss. I mean, you filthy stinking skeptics, if there actually had been a Bently out front, and a key in the mail box with at not attached saying "look in the glove box, Tom. The deed is made out to you. Enjoy," even you might be impressed. But all I got was, what, some weird premonition that actually did come true in a funny way, why should you be impressed?
Well, I have just come up with a reason. Remember what I was saying about a result? I said that if you do some work and get a result, it increases your spiritual power. I add this to my hypothesis: doing exercises and getting results in the form of signs is a way to build spiritual muscle.
Wednesday, June 1, 2016
i sell 1 million on demand water heaters a year
i sell coffee on Amazon
i am building my own camera
service providers who spend time talking to me about what I want
i supply the world with the most perfected basic necessities
how to install posts
the ultimate virtual hardware collection
a complete system for documenting my life
my basket company is up and running
i host a party or two every week
truly friendly tree service
money to stay in a fine hotel for a month = $30,000
growler business
$20 for carton of 4
100% plastic free packaging - labels attached with wheat paste
having my own streaming video service
straw goods
a car service
we drive your car and analyze its condition
the perfect water heater
my company teaches people horticulture
if a person can peacefully, contentedly, and productively stay home most of the time where's the harm in that?
my company teaches people how to make completely delicious ethnic meals
my phone rings for people on my list, and ignores everyone else
my vertical garden prototype is world famous
i sell coffee on Amazon
i am building my own camera
service providers who spend time talking to me about what I want
i supply the world with the most perfected basic necessities
how to install posts
the ultimate virtual hardware collection
a complete system for documenting my life
my basket company is up and running
i host a party or two every week
truly friendly tree service
money to stay in a fine hotel for a month = $30,000
growler business
$20 for carton of 4
100% plastic free packaging - labels attached with wheat paste
having my own streaming video service
straw goods
a car service
we drive your car and analyze its condition
the perfect water heater
my company teaches people horticulture
if a person can peacefully, contentedly, and productively stay home most of the time where's the harm in that?
my company teaches people how to make completely delicious ethnic meals
my phone rings for people on my list, and ignores everyone else
my vertical garden prototype is world famous
latte lie
Feng Shui for Ohm
Coding Resources Forum
I don't care what happens. All good.
Sanders A-hole tells us to "shut the hell up".
Feng Shui for Ohm
Coding Resources Forum
I don't care what happens. All good.
Sanders A-hole tells us to "shut the hell up".
Saturday, May 28, 2016
Friday, May 27, 2016
web construction
setting up an account should take about ten seconds
what's an account for?
it lets you build web sites
it lets people send you messages
what are web sites?
it's important to note that a site is a distinct place on the web
you can link people to it
just because you linked people to one of your sites doesn't mean then they should be able to visit all of your sites. that's just as important as saying you should able to link many pages together in one site.
what's an account for?
it lets you build web sites
it lets people send you messages
what are web sites?
it's important to note that a site is a distinct place on the web
you can link people to it
just because you linked people to one of your sites doesn't mean then they should be able to visit all of your sites. that's just as important as saying you should able to link many pages together in one site.
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
how to wash dishes
what is a company
youtube warp drive
buying computers
home services
web construction
what is a company
youtube warp drive
buying computers
home services
web construction
Saturday, April 30, 2016
Thursday, April 28, 2016
color the pixels
You will soon view one trillion times more images on the web than you view today.
Sunday, April 10, 2016
calendar thing
but there is this calendar thing. it comes from the years.
it's the Sunday before we leave for ...
it's the week leading up to today
working the whole week on organization
and the even more basic tidying
tidying, and then organization
noticing late in the week that
could only follow organization
and organization could only follow tidying
that was the theory
a magical type formula
and, you know what, it worked
putting things off until the last
until i know what to do
and sometimes it's too much
really really looking forward
to moving things around
when we get back and to cutting branches
but, also,
getting everything ship shape
before we leave
so it'll be clean when we get home is great
and cleaning the floors at almost the last moment
means they're now at
maximum cleanness.
it's the Sunday before we leave for ...
it's the week leading up to today
working the whole week on organization
and the even more basic tidying
tidying, and then organization
noticing late in the week that
could only follow organization
and organization could only follow tidying
that was the theory
a magical type formula
and, you know what, it worked
putting things off until the last
until i know what to do
and sometimes it's too much
really really looking forward
to moving things around
when we get back and to cutting branches
but, also,
getting everything ship shape
before we leave
so it'll be clean when we get home is great
and cleaning the floors at almost the last moment
means they're now at
maximum cleanness.
the years
and all the efforts to connect even intensifying
and it's a giant disaster
off on holiday and
contemplating live blogging
preparing for action on the server front
and creating a resource (or trying to)
but there is this calendar thing
and all the efforts to connect even intensifying
and it's a giant disaster
off on holiday and
contemplating live blogging
preparing for action on the server front
and creating a resource (or trying to)
but there is this calendar thing
vacation is almost over
rainy Sunday, packing for a trip
had breakfast at The Normal and walked back through neighborhoods
here's where i wrote about making places to put places
hey wow this is fun
but it's not too profoundly relevant
learned about a place in Facebook today
where messages can remain unseen for years
checked it
someone sent me an invitation to connect
isn't that what i wanted?
trying to think what to do.
it's like the pages of my calendar overlap
this story is about the previous story, and earlier
i was writing about the next story ... this one.
ready for Zero? no, i want to put something else
in between.
had breakfast at The Normal and walked back through neighborhoods
here's where i wrote about making places to put places
hey wow this is fun
but it's not too profoundly relevant
learned about a place in Facebook today
where messages can remain unseen for years
checked it
someone sent me an invitation to connect
isn't that what i wanted?
trying to think what to do.
it's like the pages of my calendar overlap
this story is about the previous story, and earlier
i was writing about the next story ... this one.
ready for Zero? no, i want to put something else
in between.
passage of time
as it turns out, though, i want to capture the passage of time
and that is accomplished by capturing small events
the word small, here, has a special meaning which is not immediately obvious
it is raining
the words that describe the event are small in number, but, unpacking them, so much could be said.
wishing i could share such thoughts
thoughts like it is raining and
wishing i could share such thoughts
with my parents
and in there is an action plan
live again!
history of an idea ... just wrote that
but this is different. it's not topical, it's just about a moment in time. how do i link that to Zero? a calendar? no, a location on a calendar. gradually you work towards a new post, a place to put this, a home for this ...
and that is accomplished by capturing small events
the word small, here, has a special meaning which is not immediately obvious
it is raining
the words that describe the event are small in number, but, unpacking them, so much could be said.
wishing i could share such thoughts
thoughts like it is raining and
wishing i could share such thoughts
with my parents
and in there is an action plan
live again!
history of an idea ... just wrote that
but this is different. it's not topical, it's just about a moment in time. how do i link that to Zero? a calendar? no, a location on a calendar. gradually you work towards a new post, a place to put this, a home for this ...
the history of a project
tracing the history of an event
setting up a Facebook account - ten years or so ago - invited to friend various people i might know
invited to like this or that
at some point due to having, at any rate, indicated in one way or another a connection with a certain outfit, invited to join a group
some horrible looking person acting as a (seemingly self appointed) den mother for a bunch of AI people.
seeing, then, the occasional incomprehensible message from that group ... of course, it's math, so i'm interested. but i stop following the links. (too confusing, too busy)
now, networking like my life depends on it, i try one of their links. there's a reasonable amount of information about a doctoral candidate in AI, and a link to an interview in which he and a guy who podcasts interviews with science people discuss AI. he speaks at length in a very impressive way. they are both impressive.
watching this, all the time i am thinking "could i interest these guys in my ideas?" decide not to try because the answer is obvious, but decide to offer a paper to that awful seeming person. i don't care so much if she hates me or despises me, so let's find out.
and that's pretty much that. i've decided AI means All Idiots. i mean, it's either intelligence or it isn't. you are interacting with something intelligent but somehow are convinced it is you who are intelligent. if you were intelligent you would see that this is so. apparently in this very important group they do discuss, in all sorts of arcane, obscure terms, what intelligence supposedly is. they don't know! and yet they purport to be building intelligent machines, or supervising that, or some such thing.
and i think it could be very useful, an intelligent system. if you do understand intelligence, it should be possible to build such a system, except for this: you need a language. well, you've got your lower level languages, with which you can do absolutely anything, but my tests suggest it is very hard to gain access to those languages, and they you've got your higher level languages, which you can easily access, and then you can do some things with them.
so it seems to me to really realize the potential of intelligence in a system demonstration i would need access to lower level languages. and it is evident, whether it makes sense or not, that access to lower level languages is achieved via higher level languages. and higher level languages are like catalogs. you can leaf through them and try offerings that might give you access to lower level languages. i have looked at many such offers, or, at any rate, some, because in a way they are not so numerous, but i have yet to put together a combination that gives me access.
still, i have been doing reasonably well, just for my own purposes, building a kind of resource. if you test a link and aren't sure what the result is, which is to say if you get some kind of result, and maybe a promising one, but there are next steps to take and you want to think them over before trying anything else, then if you loose that link it's just like saying "failed again." but if you can somehow keep that link - and the real challenge is where to put it so you will follow it again - then you are building a resource. you might be getting somewhere.
so, where does it go from here? i am working on the problem of gaining access to lower level language, or, to put it another way, server side methods. this paragraph is an empty variable. if you or i return here in the future it may have then been initialized. as created it isn't even a link, it is just a location that has been created for something to be added in that future.
that is half the problem, and the other half is where do i put this. it's the history of a project, the history of a project of mine, the history of "my project". it belongs on page Zero, but then again, it doesn't. it belongs on - not only here, but yes, here - a list of projects. that actually makes sense.
setting up a Facebook account - ten years or so ago - invited to friend various people i might know
invited to like this or that
at some point due to having, at any rate, indicated in one way or another a connection with a certain outfit, invited to join a group
some horrible looking person acting as a (seemingly self appointed) den mother for a bunch of AI people.
seeing, then, the occasional incomprehensible message from that group ... of course, it's math, so i'm interested. but i stop following the links. (too confusing, too busy)
now, networking like my life depends on it, i try one of their links. there's a reasonable amount of information about a doctoral candidate in AI, and a link to an interview in which he and a guy who podcasts interviews with science people discuss AI. he speaks at length in a very impressive way. they are both impressive.
watching this, all the time i am thinking "could i interest these guys in my ideas?" decide not to try because the answer is obvious, but decide to offer a paper to that awful seeming person. i don't care so much if she hates me or despises me, so let's find out.
and that's pretty much that. i've decided AI means All Idiots. i mean, it's either intelligence or it isn't. you are interacting with something intelligent but somehow are convinced it is you who are intelligent. if you were intelligent you would see that this is so. apparently in this very important group they do discuss, in all sorts of arcane, obscure terms, what intelligence supposedly is. they don't know! and yet they purport to be building intelligent machines, or supervising that, or some such thing.
and i think it could be very useful, an intelligent system. if you do understand intelligence, it should be possible to build such a system, except for this: you need a language. well, you've got your lower level languages, with which you can do absolutely anything, but my tests suggest it is very hard to gain access to those languages, and they you've got your higher level languages, which you can easily access, and then you can do some things with them.
so it seems to me to really realize the potential of intelligence in a system demonstration i would need access to lower level languages. and it is evident, whether it makes sense or not, that access to lower level languages is achieved via higher level languages. and higher level languages are like catalogs. you can leaf through them and try offerings that might give you access to lower level languages. i have looked at many such offers, or, at any rate, some, because in a way they are not so numerous, but i have yet to put together a combination that gives me access.
still, i have been doing reasonably well, just for my own purposes, building a kind of resource. if you test a link and aren't sure what the result is, which is to say if you get some kind of result, and maybe a promising one, but there are next steps to take and you want to think them over before trying anything else, then if you loose that link it's just like saying "failed again." but if you can somehow keep that link - and the real challenge is where to put it so you will follow it again - then you are building a resource. you might be getting somewhere.
so, where does it go from here? i am working on the problem of gaining access to lower level language, or, to put it another way, server side methods. this paragraph is an empty variable. if you or i return here in the future it may have then been initialized. as created it isn't even a link, it is just a location that has been created for something to be added in that future.
that is half the problem, and the other half is where do i put this. it's the history of a project, the history of a project of mine, the history of "my project". it belongs on page Zero, but then again, it doesn't. it belongs on - not only here, but yes, here - a list of projects. that actually makes sense.
Thursday, March 31, 2016
zero one
i would like to call your attention to the b and s buttons, bottom left and bottom right. try touching them with your mouse or tapping them. also, when you make the page big, look at how it overlaps and is overlapped by Blogger page elements ... kind of weird!
i would like to call your attention to the b and s buttons, bottom left and bottom right. try touching them with your mouse or tapping them. also, when you make the page big, look at how it overlaps and is overlapped by Blogger page elements ... kind of weird!
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
sacrificial hearth
If you burn small wood.
Do I want to put the wood my garden grows in the trash? No! It's sacred!
— Tom Sunderland (@tomsxx9) March 1, 2016if you burn small wood like this it won't pollute (but it will make a giant flame ... watch out)!
Do I want to put the wood my garden grows in the trash? No! It's sacred!
Sunday, February 28, 2016
Tuesday, February 23, 2016
hapless reader, if you are not already completely familiar with stops - and their dangerous difficulties - through your own research, any and all invested funds can be lost. this is a system test. i have said nothing about the system. essentially, you are not prepared to trade this alert. updates 2:11 pm inspecting a ten day hourly chart, i like .82 limit. |
Sunday, February 21, 2016
backhow can i publish something that 1000 people will see today?— Tom Sunderland (@tomsxx9) February 21, 2016
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